Nourish Honey

We talk to Danni Lebsanft of Nourish Honey about health, wellness, and some super practical things we can do to thrive this season.

28 August 2024
Image: Provided

For those who know her or who, like us, have followed her very real and sometimes very raw personal journey on social media from afar, Danni Lebsanft is a genuinely inspiring person.

Danni is the face behind local wellness brand Nourish Honey, the business she started in late 2023 as an expression of her own health and wellness journey, and with the goal of helping others adopt a holistic approach to nutrition, fitness and health in their own lives.

Danni's approach is a refreshing one, especially for an industry that has for a long time been defined by a focus on the big dramatic changes, intensity and an often-not-so-healthy self-deprivation yo-yo approach.

"It's making the small daily choices that lead to a healthy and happier life", Danni explains. "It's really a question of direction; what direction are you moving? Are you healthier and happier today than you were yesterday, than the day before?"

For Danni, this mentality is a product of her own health journal, which she shares openly and with little pretence on social media.

Diagnosed with M.S. at 13 (an uncommonly young age that itself presented a whole range of challenges around suitable medications, as well as the incredible mental weight to carry for one in such early formative years), Danni shares candidly about the highs and the lows; having a family, achieving fitness goals she hadn't thought possible, or those moments when the reality of the illness reasserts itself as a reminder of its omnipresence.

"There was a day last year when I woke up and I couldn't see, and that's incredibly confronting", she recalls.

"Then there was another time where I was paralysed, and I spent the entire day in bed pretending to my family I was fine because I didn't want anyone to know, which is, of course, ridiculous."

But as Danni shares, it was actually learning that talking to others and being open about what is really going on in life is actually one of the very things that enable us to move forward and be in a healthier space, mentally and holistically.

And whilst many may read Danni's story with an air of solace, for Danni, despite the challenges, it has also emboldened her with an approach to life of optimism, thankfulness and an appreciation that is so rarely seen, especially at her age.

"For a long time growing up, I wanted to 'just be like everyone else', until I realised that 'actually I don't, I just want to be me'. That I am who I am, and I can be real and genuine and authentic about that, and in doing so, help others; I have so much to be thankful for."

"It's something that many people can go their whole lives without discovering".

For Danni, who's philosophy is to help people see that they can look after themselves now, rather than waiting for something to happen, or later out of necessity; its all about helping people become that best versions of themselves.

5 achievable health & wellness habits you can start today:

1. Daily Movement: Whether it's a quick strength workout or just a walk with your dog, make movement a non-negotiable part of your day. Moving your body keeps you energised and boosts your mood, making every day a little brighter!

2. Eat a Variety of Foods: Think of your meals as a chance to nourish your body with diverse, colourful foods. Eating a range of fruits, veggies, proteins, and fats not only fuels you up but also keeps your taste buds excited and satisfied. ( Eating healthy doesn’t have to be boring!)

3. Hydration: Keep hydration at the forefront by always having a water bottle within reach. Add a refreshing twist to your water with slices of lemon, cucumber, or sprigs of mint. Adequate hydration is essential for radiant skin and sharp cognitive function, so keep hydrating!

4. Get Quality Sleep: Treat your sleep as sacred time for recovery and growth. Create a calming bedtime routine—think warm baths, reading, or gentle stretching—to ensure you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle your goals.

5. Mindfulness and Gratitude: Begin or end your day on a positive note by jotting down moments of gratitude. This simple practice has the power to shift your perspective, alleviate stress, and foster a deeper appreciation for the blessings in your life.

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September Exhibition Guide


At home with. . . Michelle and Jordan