Starting the New Year Strong...

Turns out, that post-holiday slump is pretty real, and no matter whether your goals are fitness, relational or personal growth oriented, well just sometimes we can all use a little help finding the motivation to kick back into gear after Christmas.

Published 01 December 2022
Photography: Antara Studios -Briony Scotton

We are currently on the roller-coaster that is the start of 2023 (we know, craziness!), and cliched as it may have become, as we say goodbye to one year and hello to the next, now is the time (if we haven’t done so already) when we start reflecting on the year going forward and set those, *dare we say it* ...New Years Resolutions.

Yet, studies have shown that approximately 80% of New Year's resolutions fail, so how can you ensure you are a part of the 20% who succeed?

As it turns out there are a few easy things we can do which have a significant impact on how likely we are to see real change and come out with lasting results. We talked to 3 local health and fitness professionals about starting the year strong, about mindsets, habits and about setting New Year's Resolutions that stick.

Mindset & Habit Hacking

It’s vital to write the goals down, (research has actually shown you are 42% more likely to achieve goals if they are written. Write the ‘why’ behind each goal, “Why is this goal important to you?”

Set "Identity goals" that relate to how you view yourself. Upgrading your beliefs about yourself and your self-talk will exponentially increase the chances of goal success.

Make new habits easy to complete and more attractive and negative habits unattractive and harder to complete. An example of this could be laying out your workout clothes the night before, and having the gym bag already packed.

Stacking a new habit with an existing habit is another great way to make the habit a part of your daily routine. This could look like, when you brush your teeth, write down 3 things you are grateful for.

Nicole Carlile @freedomwithnicole

Create SMART goals @

It's important when setting goals to keep them SMART - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic/Relevant and Time Managemeable.

Including Family and Friends in Your Plans – If other parties are involved, it keeps you more accountable to show up and deliver on promises

Hiring a Coach/Trainer – Booking in appointments each week with an exercise professional will keep you motivated and take the guesswork out of where you should start and what kind of exercise you should be doing. If personal training isn’t your style, then trying out some group classes at a new gym could are a great way to meet new people, enjoy training and meet your goals.

Sarah Mantova @premierconditioning


The Two Minute Rule @

Resolutions tend to focus on the long term result, not the process, but building your process is actually the key to achieving that long term result.

Think of giving yourself a 2-minute rule as explained by James Clear in his book Atomic Habits: “When you start a new habit, it should take less than two minutes to do.”

By breaking everything down into two minute tasks you make it easier to start, and by making it easier to start, you are exponentially times more likely to succeed.

The second part to this is, as you go about your day, if something is going to take less than two minutes to complete, 'do it now'. Procrastination is a killer and you'll find simply by starting a task, your overall personal momentum and productivity will increase.

Adam Berry @the_gym_starter


A List of Things to Do While We Go on Holiday


At home with. . . Georgie & Michael