At home with. . . The Hectic Eclectic

We absolutely love a sneak peak into someone else’s home, especially when are this stunning. In what was unsurprisingly just an excuse for us to pop by, we sat down with Brandi Love, aka 'The Hectic Eclectic', to talk art, colour and making your house your home.

1-February 2022

Photography by Morgan Smith


I’m a Mum of 4 plus 1 dog. Recently engaged, I bought a house in Toowoomba at the beginning of the year. I currently work in retail at a homewares store, whilst juggling my own little online store The Hectic Eclectic Shop and also using my Instagram platform to promote brands that I love. I am also currently studying Real Estate when (and if) I find the time. Throw in 10 thousand other projects and that is my life in a nutshell… (hectic).

Q. What were you looking for in your home?

Personally I was looking for a home that was big enough for the family and had a lot of character. We originally made an offer on a beautiful character home, however we were sadly outbid. (I had already dreamt up all the ways I would bring it to life... So now I know why they tell you to buy with your head and not your heart.)

Despite the letdown, we kept our eyes peeled and found our current home which was significantly bigger! and of course, that means a lot more rooms for me to style too! (YAY)

Q. How would you describe your home?

Our home is colourful, eclectic, artsy and fun. It's a tough question because my home has SO MANY different aesthetics throughout, that I kind of dabble in all design elements (if I can get away with it).

But, my home is very..."me"; Hectic and Eclectic.

Q. What is your favourite room?

That's like asking who your favourite child is!? It’s the dog by the way (for now).

I’m kidding of course, I love all of them equally; BUT if I had to choose a top 3; I would choose the formal lounge, the kids lounge and Hannah's room. There is just something about that deep green wall in Hannah's room that reels me in.

Q. How does your home compliment your life?

I love colour, I love patterns and I love walls that are painted and filled with art pieces that bring joy. Some days I wish I had more walls so I could buy more art!

Each and every room in our home has a purpose and a use. Not one room is left unused and I love that about our home. No space gone to waste.

Q. What are your favourite pieces?

Where do I start!!? Almost every piece of furniture in the formal lounge- the sofa, the MC tv cabinet I scored at the op shop, my replica Noguchi coffee table and of course the purple piano!

Q. do you have any renovation plans?

No plans on the horizon, however I have been wanting to spruce up our wet areas as they are in desperate need of some TLC. I would love to give those spaces a face lift one day, but for now, we are working on making the outside more appealing.

Q. What do you love about your neighbourhood?

First of all, I can now make those last-minute Bunnings trips when I need a new paint colour and it only takes me 10 minutes to get there as opposed to 40. I didn’t have this luxury for almost 10 years. We are only minutes from the shops and the kids school, a BMX track and skate park so there’s plenty of activities for those days when we need to get out of the house.

@thehecticeclectic |


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